SOMERSET VILLAGE: A View Toward 2025
Sustainable & Connected
Longmont, Colorado
Looking Toward 2025: A Prosperous and Healthy Longmont
Somerset Village is a vision of community brought to life to address the future needs and desires of people living in Longmont.
It is a neighborhood planned to create an accessible path to rental and home ownership for many of Longmont’s residents and workforce.
Located within Boulder County along Airport Road just north of the Diagonal Highway, the Somerset Village plan seeks to respond to the needs and desires of individuals, families, and business people who live and work in Longmont with an environmentally forward-thinking and sustainable community design.
The plan incorporates attainable homes, energy conservation, and early childhood education into a livable, self-sustaining neighborhood that will last. Somerset Village champions families, open space, diversity, and an eco-responsive lifestyle for those that want to live and work in Longmont.
Purposeful Living
Smart Growth for a Sustainable & Attainable Future
Longmont is an exceptional place. It has an energy and a feeling of community and optimism that is welcoming. Its proximity to the Rocky Mountains, renowned restaurants and breweries, thriving entrepreneurs, and open arms to newcomers make it one of Colorado’s special places to live and work.
The intent of Somerset’s plan is to maintain what makes Longmont unique, while addressing ever-present challenges all communities are facing and to position Longmont for a healthy future. In this effort, smart management of how the community grows and provides housing, accessibility to community services, and construction considerations is critical, while being mindful of the interests of all individuals, families, workers, and businesses that define Longmont.
Envision Longmont provides a framework for a balanced approach to growth and establishes a forward-thinking mindset to deal with current issues of accessible homeownership, diverse housing, energy conservation, the environment, transportation, home costs, and open space.
Addressing those issues is critical to Longmont’s future. The Somerset Plan has been designed to respond to the City’s goal and policy initiatives that support the community’s current and future plans.
Attainable Housing
Live in Longmont. Work in Longmont.
The message is clear from the community; people whose families have lived in Longmont generationally want to continue to have that opportunity; and people working in Longmont want to be able to live in Longmont. Somerset Village fosters community connectivity and promotes value-added choices for the future in response to those desires.
Construction costs, material costs, and the provision of services make that need an increasingly difficult one to fulfill.
The City recognizes this dilemma and has set a goal to increase the number of affordable/attainable housing units in Longmont over the course of the next several years. Somerset Village will provide a significant number of those dwellings.
Providing attainable housing is a people-first mindset with lasting and tangible benefits. It promotes Longmont’s long tradition of diversity, it blends the needs and desires of Longmont residents with best practices in sustainability and community design, it reduces traffic congestion and energy consumption; and it provides greater opportunities and easier pathways to home buying or renting.
To achieve the vision of a community where residents and the workforce – our teachers, first responders, medical professionals, government workers, and local employees – can afford to buy a home near where they work, we must provide better and more realistic housing options which have access to regional employment, education, culture, recreation, and early child education and care.
Somerset Village will play a role in achieving this vision. It is well-located on an arterial, near a regional highway with bus service and access to a ride-share program. The plan includes an interconnected trail system, child care a Community Center, and general store facilities.
A Place to Thrive
Front Porch Living Builds Community
The Somerset Village plan is to create a welcoming community that is secure and built around the needs and desires of the people living there. It is a place supportive of raising families, connecting with friends, and establishing roots. It is a place focused on making homeownership more affordable and attainable.
Somerset Village is intended to have a sense of place and belonging. It is a neighborhood founded on health and wellness, on sustainable and environmentally sound building practices, and on a quality of life that supports today’s AND tomorrow’s resident.
Its potential is multi-generational, multi-cultural, multi-use, and embodies what we call, “Front Porch Living.”
Somerset’s ethos of attainable housing is built with the area’s rich agricultural heritage in mind. While respecting the past, we will create a future based upon sustainable technology and design applications. The houses, townhomes, cottages, and flats will be energy conservative and appeal to a broad range of people. The community gathering spaces, trails to hike, bike, and walk, and the Early Childhood Development Center make Somerset Village a place to experience all that Longmont has to offer. These choices will support Longmont’s 2035 Net-0 goal.
Environmentally Conscious Living
Somerset Village’s building design will be based on energy conservative principles that will be adapted as the needs of residents change. The principles will include passive and active solar design and standards that guide material, insulation, and building mass decisions, while supporting Longmont’s 2035 Net-0 goal.
The natural resources assessment of the land indicates that because years of agricultural production, there are few natural habitats in the area. The property currently lacks biodiversity and no endangered species or raptor habitation are on the property.
The removal of the agricultural easement will allow the development of a sustainable neighborhood in Longmont and provide funds for Boulder County Parks & Open Space to acquire additional open space. Approximately 20% of the project will be allocated to active and passive open space consisting of fields, pocket parks, plazas, water quality basins, and landscape buffers with trails.

What is the Longmont Planning Area? Why does the City of Longmont have a planning area, and what does it commit the City and County to?
The Longmont Planning Area (LPA) was established by agreement between Boulder County and the City of Longmont. As defined by this agreement, the LPA is an “area of potential urbanization … which would not be interrupted by Boulder County Open Space.” The boundaries of the LPA have remained the same for decades, and has always included the Kanemoto Estates property as an area of potential urbanization.
The Third Amended Longmont Planning Area Comprehensive Development Plan Intergovernmental Agreement (the “CDP IGA”) defines the boundaries of the LPA and contractually binds the County to not obtain open space within the LPA and the City to not annex property outside of the LPA. The current LPA map can be viewed here:
What is an intergovernmental agreement and what does it commit the County and City to in terms of the planning area?
An intergovernmental agreement is an agreement between two governmental bodies that allows them to make contractually binding agreements with respect to matters such as land use and development plans. The agreement memorializes that the City agrees not to annex land within the County outside the boundaries of the LPA, and the County agrees that it will not purchase land within the LPA for open space. An updated list of all land use intergovernmental agreements within the County can be viewed here:
What is a Transferred Development Rights receiving site?
The Transferred Development Rights (“TDR”) program in Boulder County was developed to transfer development rights from “TDR Sending Sites,” where the County determined development should not occur to areas “suitable for development,” referred to as “TDR receiving sites.” The intent was to promote cluster development within municipalities and to preserve rural open space outside of the municipal boundaries. A TDR receiving site is created by County approval of a plat for the property. The Kanemoto Estates property is one of the last TDR receiving sites approved by the County as suitable for development.
What is an annexation process and how does government take responsibility for local land use decisions?
Annexation is the process by which municipalities incorporate new property, either before or after development. Municipalities have authority under the Colorado constitution to annex land contiguous to its present boundaries. Annexation requires the municipality to review a Concept Plan for the property and review development and land use decisions, such as zoning, subdivision, and platting, that may be approved for the property during the annexation process.
What are conservation easements, and can they be terminated?
A conservation easement is a legal document that identifies a property for a certain set of uses. The Kanemoto agricultural conservation easement was established as a condition when one additional house was allowed to be constructed on the property. The conservation easement is used to produce hay grass and is not accessible by the public. In general, conservation easements purchased by the County’s open space program are perpetual in nature.
However, some conservation easements like the Kanemoto easement were not purchased with taxpayer money but were negotiated as part of a regulatory process, with the understanding that they may be terminated in the future. This is the method that Longmont and the County have been using to manage development along the perimeter of the City within the growth boundary.
Will Longmont or Boulder County lose open space with the termination of the agricultural easement?
Termination of the agricultural easement will provide the means for acquiring more open space. An agreement has been signed with Boulder County Parks & Open Space to fund $2,300,000 for that purpose. In addition, the Somerset Village plan allocates as much as 20% of the site to open space, including fields, pocket parks, plaza, water quality ponds, and landscape buffers with trails.
Will development of the community impact the St. Vrain Valley School District?
The St. Vrain Valley School District has indicated that they have sufficient capacity for the predicted Somerset Village school age population. The project will pay development fees to the District on a per household basis. The plan’s intent is to provide Early Childhood Education (ECE) and childcare onsite.
Will natural habitats be affected by this neighborhood?
The impact of years of agricultural production on the land has resulted in there being no sensitive wildlife habitats on the property, and there are no endangered species or raptor nests on the property at this time.
How will the new neighborhood affect traffic?
Vehicles will access Somerset Village from Airport Road which has sufficient capacity for this traffic. The plan provides for a signalized intersection which will assist with turning movements and provide additional traffic control on Airport Road. Levels of service for most intersections in the vicinity will be maintained at or close to current levels after the Airport Road signalized intersection is installed. Traffic from Somerset Village will not have access into the adjacent Coal Creek neighborhood.
What is the community planning related to energy conservation?
Building energy conservation and solar application guidelines will be prepared during the platting phase of the project with the intent for it to be an all-electric neighborhood and to minimize the project’s carbon footprint in support of Longmont’s goal of achieving Net-0 by 2035.
Community Support

As employers, one of the biggest challenges we have in retaining employees is housing affordability in our area. We need to build more densely to solve the housing deficit for people. I would say if not here, where? And if not now, when?
- Eric Wallace -
Founder, Left Hand Brewing

Longmont is becoming too expensive for our leaders and our first responders who serve and support our residents. Nobody is talking about how (the housing crisis) is affecting our blue-collar workers. This isn’t about growing and bringing in new residents. This is about providing housing for people that already serve and work in our community.
- Laura Zavala -
Mortgage Loan Officer, Movement Mortgage

This type of project that has been proposed is exactly what Longmont has said that it needs, said that it wants, and knows that it needs. We should support this development.
- Wendell Pickett -
Frontier Companies

The Somerset Village development presents a wonderful opportunity to be part of the solution to address the housing and early care and education crisis that faces children and families here in Boulder County. It represents an excellent opportunity to add for-sale, affordable and attainable housing to a section of the city of Longmont and the County that currently has little to none.
- Matt Eldred -
Executive Director, TLC Learning Center
What Community Leaders are Saying

As employers, one of the biggest challenges we have in retaining employees is housing affordability in our area. We need to build more densely to solve the housing deficit for people. I would say if not here, where? And if not now, when?
- Eric Wallace -
Founder, Left Hand Brewing

Longmont is becoming too expensive for our leaders and our first responders who serve and support our residents. Nobody is talking about how (the housing crisis) is affecting our blue-collar workers. This isn’t about growing and bringing in new residents. This is about providing housing for people that already serve and work in our community.
- Laura Zavala -
Mortgage Loan Officer, Movement Mortgage

This type of project that has been proposed is exactly what Longmont has said that it needs, said that it wants, and knows that it needs. We should support this development.
- Wendell Pickett -
Frontier Companies

The Somerset Village development presents a wonderful opportunity to be part of the solution to address the housing and early care and education crisis that faces children and families here in Boulder County. It represents an excellent opportunity to add for-sale, affordable and attainable housing to a section of the city of Longmont and the County that currently has little to none.
- Matt Eldred -
Executive Director, TLC Learning Center